Friday, June 13, 2008
Quiet Time
I am doing my QT on ACTS as part of my revision for Passage to Patmos.In Acts 7:1-53
It's quite a long passage that share briefly about the histories of the Israel from Abraham to about Moses time where they eventually inherited the land, in the latter part of the passage this was what Stephen told the Pharisees just before he was stoned.
Acts 7: 51-53
51"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! 52Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him— 53you who have received the law that was put into effect through angels but have not obeyed it."
It definitely takes alot of courage to say that and i respect Stephen for that, the heart to please God more than Man. And you know that Stephen said these not because he is self-righteous or hated the Pharisees but he said it just before they stoned him. Just before he died he prayed 'Father please forgive them for they don't know what they 're doing'. He loved his enemy more than himself, someone who wants to murder him and stone him!!!
I must admit i don't have this kinda love, i'm struggling to just be loving every single day. There are more angry thoughts and complains than thoughts of sacrifice and love. I really wanna do something about this, to be more positive and loving. To think more about God than my complains! So my motto is complain less!!! please keep me accountable thanks.
Have a great day!